If you are a California, Colorado, Connecticut or Utah, Virginia resident, you may make your Do Not Sell or Share My Information request(s) below.
We do not sell personal information for monetary consideration, but we may transfer your information to a third party that provides us with services such as helping us with advertising, data analysis and analytics, and security, which may fall under the definition of for “other valuable consideration” and which may therefore be considered a “sale” under the CPRA.
“Sharing” your personal information means making it available to a third party so that they can use it to display targeted or cross-context behavioral advertisements to you. Cross-context behavioral or targeted advertising means that we display an advertisement to you that is selected based on personal information about you that we obtained or inferred over time from your activities across other companies’ websites, applications, or online services that we use to predict your preferences or interests. Targeted advertising does not include using your interactions with us or information that you provide to us to select advertisements to show you.
This data we may disclose does not identify you by name or other directly identifiable means. Rather, it is about the basic information of your browser and device, your general location, and the content and advertising you view on our site and mobile application. This data is used by us to help understand how our site and mobile application are used, to personalize our content, and to tailor advertising on our site and mobile application to your interests. You can read more in our Privacy Policy
If you want us to stop “selling” or “sharing” your data, please check the box “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” below. Please note that opting out does not mean that you will stop seeing all ads.